By some counts of human history, the number of humans on. Near term human extinction hospice conversation with kevin hester posted on august 4, 2019 by kevin hester 11 comments i had the pleasure of joining peter miller on. Many of the folks in his camp appear to believe that this summer is our last, while others give us anywhere from 5, 20 to 100 years of viable life supporting conditions on earth. Mcpherson, author of going dark, has even predicted the near term extinction of many species, including human beings, by the middle of 2026. Mcpherson has become known as the primary messenger with respect to near term human extinction. The planet will not be habitable for the human species long beyond 2030. Many share the view that total human extinction would be far worse than the loss of 99. As i write, leaves are erupting from branchtips and thick grass is rising over the ground.
With matthew fox, jeffrey donovan, quinn mccolgan, clara lago. Rae completed her studies in august 2015 and is currently showing a collection of work called the edge of a. The text addresses the scientific research regarding abrupt climate change as well as how humans who grasp the likelihood of near term human extinction can prepare emotionally and spiritually for the demise of many species on earth, including ours. Extinction, humaneven a small risk of near term human extinction within one century, for example should be taken seriously, considering the stake. Scientists can predict some eles, but most are neither predictable nor preventable. At extinction radio, we bear witness to the 6th great extinction, an event which we believe will culminate in the extinction of the human species too in the near future.
World climate change conference confirms near term human. Apneaman left this message here just a short time ago. The specter of death, near term extinction, haunts us as we silently endure the evil and decay all around us, going along just to get along in the belly of the american empire. Extinction, in biology, the dying out or extermination of a species. One day pentup anger and hunger will burst forth, pushing us into the streets. Human extinction by biotechnology and nanotechnology. World climate change conference confirms near term human extinction. Extinction occurs when species are diminished because of environmental forces habitat fragmentation, global change, natural disaster, overexploitation of species for human use or because of evolutionary changes in their members genetic inbreeding, poor reproduction, decline. By some counts of human history, the number of humans on earth may have skidded so sharply that we were down to. Climate change, environmental damage and nuclear meltdowns are the signposts towards the demise of the human race and, as 2014 fades away. Download or listen to this radio ecoshock interview with scott k. So far i have only been familiar with a modelled population bottleneck affecting t. For nine years, patrick matthew fox, jack jeffrey donovan and his daughter lu quinn mccolgan have outlasted the zombie apocalypse by shutting themselves off in the snowbound town of harmony. A conversation with guy mcpherson global research news hour episode 57.
Near term human extinction naked and exposed medium. Potential causes of total human extinction in the next 200. Obviously, tokenism on your part such as rejecting plastic bags or collecting rubbish from public places is not. Six paths to nearterm human extinction nature bats last.
In 2015, 195 countries signed the paris climate agreement to limit the rise in global temperature to below 2 degrees celsius to avoid dangerous climate change. This may result either from natural causes or due to anthropogenic human causes, but the risks of extinction through natural disaster, such as a meteorite impact or largescale volcanism, are generally considered to be comparatively low. Lessons from near human extinction events episode 153. The author of this website also created another website on realistic, fairly near term human extinction threats as biotechnology has advanced, so has the power of the individual. And what most of us are collectively denying is the mounting evidence that points to a worstcase scenario unfolding of nearterm human extinction. Now i suspect we are facing extinction in the near future. Another key part of guy mcphersons case for our nearterm extinction is the. What i want to focus on here is the psychology of the apocalyptic. Some particular threats have been studied, however, and some thinkers have made attempts to synthesize what is. There is nothing i can add to this post that hasnt been said here or on the twitter feed many, many times before. It may be a lot less time than you may had previously thought, according to todays guest guy mcpherson, the leading authority on abrupt climate change and near term human extinction, predicts that we, collectively, have reached the tipping point that has lead the human population careening towards the sixth great extinction of our planet. I hear people toss around the notion that humans may go extinct as a result of climate change, but its never been clear to me that this is even a plausible, let alone likely, outcome. Kennedy estimated an outcome of a nuclear holocaust during the cuban missile crisis as being between one in three and even.
Catherine ingram, facing extinction, facing extinction by catherine. Human civilisation as we know it may have already entered its last. Addressing the rather alarming idea that all of humanity might go extinct within the next decade. Guy mcpherson is a professor emeritus of natural resources and ecology and evolutionary biology at the university of arizona, and the worlds leading authority on abrupt climate change leading to near term human extinction. He blames overcrowding, denuded resources and climate change. Guy mcpherson and near term human extinction the mike. Near term human extinction july 2019 interview with david wallacewells by mark hyman, md.
Extinction radio production of the near term human. The exact timing of nearterm human extinction is academic. High likelihood of human civilisation coming to end by 2050, report. A hardhitting report into the impact of humans on nature shows that nearly one million species risk becoming extinct within decades, while current. And there is nothing the human species for all its sophistication and. Even if some organisms survive all other extinction events, eventually the sun will eradicate life on earth.
Nuclear threat or meltdown could be a real probability. Humans will be extinct in 100 years because the planet will be uninhabitable, according to australian microbiologist frank fenner, one of the leaders of the effort to eradicate smallpox in the 1970s. As sheldon told me in an interview in 2015, what becker proposes is that human beings manage terror of death by subscribing to culturally constructed. Guy mcphersons website, nature bats last, has become a home for some of the direst of runaway climate predictions, and here the phrase near term extinction has become so common as to be referred to by acronym. It is therefore remarkable that there has been so little systematic study of this topicless than on the life habits of the dung fly. Nearterm human extinction scenarios from environmental. The most well known theory in this area is that humans will become extinct in 2030.
And after 200,000 years of our species, calling this near term seems reasonable. Critiques are easily found on the internet and i will leave them as an exercise for the reader. Existential risks are risks that threaten the entire future of humanity, whether by causing. Nearterm extinction collapse of industrial civilization. In futures studies, human extinction is the hypothetical complete end of the human species. Extinction dialogs is a candid conversation between guy mcpherson and carolyn baker. The timing of human near term extinction is likely academic. How human beings almost vanished from earth in 70,000 b. Near term human extinction curious if anyone here is familiar with guy mcpherson and his thoughts on near term human extinction.
Near term human extinction is the subject being discussed, not human population reduction by a large degree. But whether we define near term as 2030, 2040 or even next century, human extinction is now a distinct possibility. Humans have emerged from the thriving earth to become a dominant force. Mcpherson admits that theres going to be survivors in bunkers. Today it looks like humans will have to launch themselves into space to get enough room for our collective population, but we werent always so robust a species. How many nearextinction events have humans encountered.
One option you have if you find the evidence of near term human extinction compelling in light of the lacklustre official responses so far, is to join those participating in the flame tree project to save life on earth. I dont understand why government,corporations, media etc. Near term human extinction love public group facebook. Nearterm extinction is being seriously considered by harvard scientists. The near term human extinction support group is for people who have accepted that human. Moreover, total human extinction is, perhaps for the first time in recorded history, quite plausible. Near term human extinction scenarios from environmental degradation. Toronto now reporter zach ruiter has called the imminent extinction of mankind based on all the different climate scare stories he has read. To learn more about what data we collect and your privacy options, see our. The paper argues that climate change now represents a near to midterm existential threat to human civilisation.
Science has found evidence that at least five times in the past humans faced near extinction events many times we have stood on the brink of extinction only to come back stronger. The truth about nearterm human extinction nature bats last. Could abrupt climate change lead to human extinction. The near term human extinction support group is for people who have accepted that human extinction is inevitable in the near term due to anthropogenic global warming agw and the consequences, based. Extinction 2015 extinction 2015 extinction 2015 the image could not be loaded.
Recent studies suggest it is irresponsible to rule out the possibility after last weeks warning to humanity from more than 15,000 climate change. What possible benefit is there to prolonging societys denial about climate change and human extinction if our fate is already determined in the very near future. Mike speaks about a wide variety issues concerning simple living, white privilege, abrupt climate change, near term human extinction, and other. Near term human extinction sounds as if it could be a plot for a riveting scifi movie. So, i thought i would bring a new element into the climate change debate that doesnt seem to get thrown around often and that is the theory of near term human extinction that is discussed by guy mcpherson. Urban dictionary and our advertising partners set cookies on your computer to improve our site and the advertisements you see. A force which, unfortunately, sometimes undermines the support systems that make our lives possible. Now, in 20, we have scientific projections from reliable data that make near term human extinction look like a real possibility. Go here to download the audio and video of this latest episode introduction.
On the acceptance of nearterm extinction, by gary gripp. Posted in abrupt climate change, collapse, jem bendell, near term human extinctionnthe, professor guy mcpherson, professor paul ehrlich all species go extinct, all civilisations collapse, all bubbles burst. Please note new members will not be added if group questions are unanswered this is a group. How long do we, as a species, have left on this planet. Only some of them were truly near extinction events. Its because of something called abrupt climate change. Derrick jensen resistance radio interviews dahr jamail. This week i talk about the lessons from near human extinction events. Extinction level events or eles are calamities that result in the annihilation of most species on the planet. The near term human extinction movement has been subjected to devastating criticism by scientists and wellinformed journalists, many of whom think climate change is a genuine danger. As near term human extinction is debated back and forth, argued for and against with a degree of condemnation, the signs are already painfully obvious that this is the path we are heading down. Near term human extinction even has an acronym, nthe, and mcpherson is certainly not the first scientist or science writer to say weve damaged our ecosystem too much to fix it. Mcpherson proposes, he proposes near term human extinction.