Steps by the big book step 9 steps by the big book. Step eight and step nine of aa alcoholics anonymous call this approach making amends. Our workbook companion to alcoholics anonymous 12 steps of recovery from alcoholism and addiction is called steps by the big book. The tenth step of alcoholics anonymous is a natural progression from step 9, where you make amends. The 9 th step promises are read at just about every single aa meeting. I explained what i thought i owed, apologized for my dishonesty, and asked how i. We call these the ninth step promises, because theyre linked with the ninth step. These meetings can be accessed go to thought and click on read more for how to accessfor free via computer, tablets and mobile devices, and also by telephone by calling the. Apr 18, 2017 alcoholics anonymous is a 12step program that, if worked thoroughly and honestly, will be a significant asset toward your recovery. Nov 18, 2008 for those newcomers that are a little nervous to do a 5th step, here is some hope for you and these promises come waaaay before the promises that are often read in many meetings or as the big book says. There are, however, additional promises in the big book. At some point in our sobriety, we begin to believe in the promises of sobriety laid out in the big book of alcoholics anonymous. The text of this document, original manuscript, was left just as it originally appeared in 1938.
If you are just coming into the twelve steps as you read this, remember that youre not ready to do step nine yet. We will be more reconciled to discussing ourselves with another person when we see. For many people in recovery, step 11 presents a bit of a challenge. The promises are from pages 8384 of the big book and cover the promises of what will happen when we diligently work the steps of the 12 step program. The alcoholics anonymous twelve steps and twelve traditions book states. But want to share the promises as they relate to the 3rd step. Some of the promises are directly associated with completion of a step. Download pamphlets and handouts to use in big book group sessions our workbook companion to alcoholics anonymous 12 steps of recovery from alcoholism and addiction is called steps by the big book. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. The whole point of recovery, is to not only regain the self that was lost to addiction, but to redefine yourself and the kind of life you are leading. So heres the thing, quitting alcohol and drugs is a big change. The big book is one of the bestselling books of all times 30 million copies sold.
As related in the big book, this was aas first major test. Because everyones experience is unique, the 9th step promises can occur in different ways and at different times. It would be easy to believe that those are the promises of the program. Dec 20, 2019 step 10 keeps your house clean and is not about being perfect. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol that our lives had become unmanageable. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change.
Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of god as we understood him. Its core treatment philosophy is based on a personal improvement plan that is outlined in 12 specific action steps. Promises in every step allmost oneintwenty 02102009. You will learn the full meaning of love thy neighbor as thyself. Rightly and naturally, we think well before we choose the per son or persons with whom to take this intimate and con. The 147 promises of the big book of alcoholics anonymous. When you complete each of the 12 steps in the program of recovery, you will see these promises come true.
Everyone makes mistakes, but owning up to them settles conflict before it can fester and become blown out of proportion. While the big book associates the 12 promises with step nine, many of us. Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. We provide this study guide based on personal experience to help those following aa s 12 steps as outlined in the original big book, alcoholics anonymous aa. It is the basic text of the fellowship of alcoholics anonymous, and has helped large numbers of alcoholic men and women, young and old, recover as of december 2009, 30,664,881 copies of the big book have been sold or otherwise. The arch i build must be the result of following the specific directions in the big book. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. Step 9 requires the recovering alcoholic to be willing to go to any lengths to make amends. The tremendous fact for every one of us is that we have discovered a common solution. Jun 20, 2019 step 9 is another one of the 12 steps, that initially appears most difficult, but the rewards of putting this principle into practice can be immense. Some aa groups take inventory by examining the twelve traditions, one at a time, to determine how well they are living up to these principles. We may have had certain spiritual beliefs, but now we begin to have. How it works 12 step online is an online meeting place where people can work the 12 steps of alcoholics anonymous as outlined in the big book of alcoholics anonymous. Step 5 5th step promises once we have taken this step, withholding nothing, we are delighted.
When we do this this we gain a new perspective and the promises of the ninth step come true in our lives. Aa step 9 of the 12 steps is a call for recovering alcoholics to make amends. We react sanely and normally, and we will find that this has happened automatically. Dec 27, 2019 alcoholics anonymous aa is a group therapy program for people suffering from alcoholism. The big book of alcoholics anonymous includes 12 promises of sobriety that. Moving into step seven actually involves us in the personal change of actively letting go of our shortcomings, actions and feelings that are liabilities. Remember though, these promises only apply to alcoholics working the steps. A person facing this step may not understand what it means, how to apply it in his or her life, or may have shunned religion and. Twelve step prayers spiritual alcoholics anonymous. The 12 promises of aa are presented as part of working step 9, which involves making amends. Some of the promises are inferred from the experiences of the first 100 men and women who recovered from alcoholism. The text of this document, original manuscript, was left just as it. Many of us have heard of the ninth step promises from page 8384 of the big book of alcoholics anonymous.
We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. Breaking down step one of aa alcoholics anonymous jason. Or we may be tipped over in the other direction when, in rare cases, we get a cool and skeptical reception. If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are half way through.
The big book, alcoholics anonymous, promises that if we make sincere amends for the harm we caused others, working the ninth step to the best of our ability. Chapter 7 of the big book of alcoholics anonymous, 2nd edition. The big book mentions that the 12 promises are being fulfilled among us sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are half way. We do this by providing a safe, anonymous online meeting place where you. Aa promises alcoholics anonymous lionrock recovery. The promises of aas big book hazelden betty ford foundation. The individual must be willing to take this step no matter how severe the personal consequences. Dec 07, 2018 the purpose of step 9 of alcoholics anonymous is to take action and apologize to those you have harmed with your drinking. These promises are only a few that appear in the big book of alcoholics anonymous.
Alcoholics anonymous aa is a group therapy program for people suffering from alcoholism. When we sincerely took such a position,all sorts of remarkable things followed. We provide this study guide based on personal experience to help those following aas 12 steps as outlined in the original big book, alcoholics anonymous aa. Making amends in addiction recovery hazelden betty ford. We, of alcoholics anonymous, are more than one hundred men and woman who have. Almost always we want to go further and admit other defects that have made us hard to live with. There exists among us a fellowship, a friendliness, and an understanding which is indescribably wonderful.
Due to the covid19 pandemic, the experience the big book meetings will be accessible online as zoom video conferences, starting sunday, march 22, 2020 at 6pm central time. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace. For example, there may be a situation where the person or people weve harmed are not. An overview of 9th step promises of aa the 9 th step promises are read at just about every single aa meeting. When a person begins their 12 step journey in alcoholics anonymous, it is with the hope that their life will change for the better as a direct result. The promises from pages 8384 of the big book of alcoholics anonymous if we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are halfway through. The promises of recovery are found all through the big book. The big book is alcoholics anonymouss primary text. The readiness to take the full consequences of our past acts, and to take responsibility for the wellbeing of others at the same time, is the very spirit of step nine. Alcoholics anonymous is well known for their 12 step program that focuses on helping people achieve sobriety, make amends, and improve the quality of their life. The 10th step promises recovery from a hopeless state. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. Wilson, one of the founders of alcoholics anonymous aa.
Much like the ninth step promises, the tenth step promises are a section of the big book where recovering alcoholics are promised peace and recovery from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. Step nine of aa alcoholics anonymous is the perfect time to let go of the horrible way we feel about our past and to radically repair relationships. Breaking down step seven of aa alcoholics anonymous jason. The 9th step promises women of grace, dignity, and sobriety. As the nations leading nonprofit provider of comprehensive inpatient and outpatient treatment for adults and youth, the foundation has 17 locations nationwide and collaborates with an expansive network throughout health care. The ninth step promises can be found through pages 8384 in the big book of alcoholics anonymous. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and to help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. They appear in chapter 6 of alcoholics anonymous into action on pages 83 and 84. Jan 06, 2020 breaking down step seven of aa alcoholics anonymous. It is our hope that this discussion will give new meaning to your sobriety. This was the version of the big book distributed to friends and colleagues of aas founders before the first edition was printed. The tenth step promises are available for everyone who works for them. Breaking down step nine of aa alcoholics anonymous jason. Specifically, they only apply to those whove reached the ninth step.
Many in recovery regard the 6th and 7th steps as evidence of the programs divine inspiration, for when the book alcoholics anonymous was written only two short paragraphs were devoted to these steps. The big book promises all of them, so far friends of bill w. If making amends requires the person to report a past crime, he or she must be willing to go to jail to complete this step on the road to recovery. The 9th step promises are read out loud at the end of aa meetings, usually before the closing prayer. It originated the twelve step program now used widely among addictions outside alcohol. By the time you get to this point you may be amazed at the way you have become. The 9th step promises aa greeting card features butterflies on the front of the card with the 9th step promises from pgs. The following is a list ofapproximately 150 promises that i compiled from the first edition of the big book. So i see the 9th step promises as really the promises that i receive from god when i have conscious contact with him. I remember hearing them redundantly and feeling cheated.
If we are painstaking about this phase of our development we will be amazed before we are halfway through. The nineth step promises big book alcoholics anonymous. Those of us belonging to a religious denomination which requires confession must, and of course, will want to go to the properly appointed au. Step 1 of the 12 steps of alcoholics anonymous youtube. Eighth step prayer higher power, i ask your help in making my list of all those i have harmed. In my experience, walking around with the weight of amends that need to be taken care of really sucks. Step nine of aa alcoholics anonymous is the perfect time to let go of the horrible way we feel. Ninth step prayer higher power, i pray for the right attitude to make my amends. In their minds, when reading these promises, many oa members substitute the words alcohol liquor and alcoholic with the words food and compulsive eater, but in respect for the wishes of alcoholics anonymous, we repost these words verbatim from the big book. Recovery greeting card 9th step promises recoveryshop. Chapter 6 into action of the big book contains the 9th step promises which describes the 12 step program of alcoholics anonymous. Recoveryshop the onestop shop for meeting materials, recovery items, and 12 step gifts.
Alcoholics anonymous is a 12 step program that, if worked thoroughly and honestly, will be a significant asset toward your recovery. Dec 04, 2010 watch step 1 of the 12 steps of alcoholics anonymous. Its not about being sponsoredits about sponsoring others that is a predictor for recovery. The first step of anything is a beginning, so the first step of the alcoholics anonymous 12 steps is the beginning of your recovery process. Twelve step prayers alcoholics anonymous cleveland. Reprinted from the big book of alcoholics anonymous with permission of a. How it works 12 step online online aa meetings and 12. Experience the big book aa meetings available online. The spiritual principle involved is that of forgiveness, not only from others but forgiveness of self, which can bring healing to both parties.
To many people, they represent the promises of aa, and so many would be surprised to know that each of the 12 steps has a promise associated with them. Steps by the big book step 5 steps by the big book. Being all powerful, he provided what we needed, if we kept close to him and performed his work well. We shall be with you in the fellowship of the spirit, and you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the road of happy destiny. We go to meetings to learn about the steps, we find ourselves a. Doing the 12 steps is also referred to as working the steps, because it requires. Man there is hundreds more maybe we can keep a promise post running on this thread. The hazelden betty ford foundation is a force of healing and hope for individuals, families and communities affected by addiction to alcohol and other drugs. Established on such a footing we became less and less interested in.
Gods promises are all on condition of humble obedience. The story of how many thousands of men and women have recovered from alcoholism. A study of step 9 of the 12 step program verywell mind. No conscious contact, no world of the spirit, no promises. The promises of recovery are not just those found after step 9. Step nine 85 this atmosphere of approval and praise is apt to be so exhilarating as to put us off balance by creating an insatiable appetite for more of the same. The 9th step promises of alcoholics anonymous wayside house. The story of how many thousands of men and women have recovered from alcoholism generally known as the big book because of the thickness of the paper used in the first edition is a 1939 basic text, describing how to recover from alcoholism, primarily written by william g. We go to meetings to learn about the steps, we find ourselves a sponsor who.
Also see, the original manuscript of alcoholics anonymous this is a reproduction of the 1938 original manuscript of alcoholics anonymous. This will tempt us to argue, or to press our point insistently. Many of us have heard of the ninth step promises from page 8384 of the big book of. While not formally called the promises, each step offers its own promise as to what the individual working it can receive. Aa promises the aa big book 12step promises of recovery. However, each step has promises associated with it. Its actually really exciting, because its the first day of a new life. Take all 12 steps in just 4 hours download this aa big book step guide and work book. The ninth step promises are a section of the big book where recovering alcoholics are promised certain things. Doing step nine correctly also takes courage, prudence, good judgment, and a careful sense of timing.